Genelec fuses power with precision to provide consistent audio quality across the entire venue. We deliver studio-grade clarity, letting the audience appreciate every last musical detail.
Music Venues

Live sound, studio quality
A music venue is only as good as the audio it delivers, and a Genelec venue will offer quite simply the best live music production available. Audiences will delight in hearing performances like never before, with a detail and intimacy unlike any other system. With uncoloured audio performance both on and off axis, the audience can enjoy fatigue-free listening, all night and every night.

Total dependability
Genelec's active speaker design ensures that every driver is powered by its own dedicated internal amplifier stage, for totally optimised audio performance. This technology also provides complete 24/7 dependability, courtesy of some very sophisticated speaker protection circuitry. We have decades of experience supplying demanding customers who simply can't afford equipment failure - so trust us to keep your show on the road.
Challenges we can help you with
The Main Stage
Venues live and die by the quality of the main event, so let Genelec banish the spectre of sub-quality audio from live performances.
Countless major recording artists rely on Genelec loudspeakers to help inspire the writing and recording process. Our higher power solutions for live entertainment are based on the same no-compromise approach to audio quality and design.
Artists know that a Genelec loudspeaker system is an assurance of the same matchless quality that has accompanied them since the start of their creative journey in the studio.
Lounges and Bars
With the main stage offering exquisite audio, Genelec solutions ensure that same quality is maintained throughout the lounge and bar areas.
Our comprehensive range of smaller loudspeakers share the same design principles as their larger siblings, ensuring a consistent voice throughout the building. Low level audio is both clear and non-disruptive, allowing conversation to continue.
Then as the evening draws on, the same loudspeakers can provide real power to extend the performance throughout the venue, all the while maintaining the quality you demand.
Other performance areas
To heighten the audience experience, other performance areas deserve the same attention to detail as the main stage.
Whether it's the upstage bar showcasing a smaller band or a second smaller stage, ensure all your performance areas offer the same premium audio quality - so artists can always deliver their best.
With all stages sounding consistent, performances will be easier to mix and you'll have the same precise control over your speaker system - from bigger acts to more intimate gigs.
Genelec and G Livelab Tampere: creating the perfect live music venue | Genelec AV
G Livelab | The Future of Live Music | Genelec sound system
Genelec and G Livelab Tampere: creating the perfect live music venue | Genelec AV
We go behind the scenes with the team from G Livelab in Tampere, Finland to find out how they’ve designed and created a live music venue that is regarded as ‘sonically and acoustically speaking, perfect.’ Deploying a network of over eighty Genelec loudspeakers - including forty four 4430 Smart IP installation speakers - they are now able to host live performances that will ‘most likely sound better than the record.’ Watch the video to find out exactly how they did it.